Customer Surveys
If you have a well-stocked, well laid out store, underperforming sales can very well be a sign of flagging customer service. A customer survey is a relatively easy way to gauge your customer service performance. This can be as easy as asking post-purchase customers what they liked and disliked about their shopping experience.
Other survey methods can include a more formal approach with written questionnaires. The links to the survey can be distributed by email or printed on sales receipts. Make sure customers are incentivized to participate with gifts, coupons, a car wash or something else that makes it worth their while and brings them back to your store.
Some topics to cover when compiling your survey:
- The perception of the breadth and depth of products
- The assessment of product quality and value
- The attractiveness of displays and merchandising
- The ease of navigation (shopability)
- The level of shopping convenience
- The availability of product information
- The frequency of out of stock items
- The quality of service and the speed of checkout
- The overall enjoyment of the shopping experience
- Satisfaction with the products purchased
- Likelihood of recommending the store
- Intention to return in the future