Product Offerings
The products you stock in your TPC have a lot to do with your geography and the market your store is located in. There is the general merchandise that every store should stock, the automotive cleaning supplies, coolant, oil, filters, etc. But there are those accessories that will be influenced by the most popular vehicle models your dealership’s sells and the climate of your dealership’s location.
This is where knowing your customer and catering to them comes into play. If your dealership is in Madison, Wisconsin, you’ll probably be featuring snow chains, windshield deicer and all weather floor mats at some point during the year. Along with presenting accessories that help customers get the most out of their vehicles like custom wheels, and interior space organizers.
Offering more options to your customer is not always better. If you offer too many options for the customer to pick from, the choice can sometimes be overwhelming. Your customers rely on you to be the expert and to provide them with a curated selection of what you consider to be the best products for their vehicles. This can help inspire trust in your customer and make the shopping experience more pleasant for them.